Reading Challenge 2013

Readings in June

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  1. The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram (4/5)
  2. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (2/5)
  3. Blonde with a Wand  by Vicki Lewis Thompson (2/5)
  4. Billy and Me by  Giovanna Fletcher (4/5)
  5. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell (5/5)
  6. Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult (4/5)
  7. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (6/5)
  8. Friends Forever by Danielle Steel (2/5)
  9. A Living Nightmare (Cirque Du Freak, #1) by Darren Shan (4/5)
  10. Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg (5/5)
  11. Bossypants by Tina Fey (4/5)
  12. The Vampire’s Assistant (Cirque Du Freak, #2) by Darren Shan (4/5)
  13. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne (5/5)
  14. The Strange Case of Finley Jayne (Steampunk Chronicles, #0.5) by Kady Cross (5/5)
  15. My point…..and I do have one by Ellen degeneres (2/5)


I can say that Rainbow Rowell was a great find this month, she is the most delicious writer ever as far as YAish-Chicklitish-Romance is involved. She writes warm and poignant tales really. Also Ransom Riggs is a horrible writer with an exceptionally creative mind. Honestly, she turned the most creative idea in the worse book to read. I loved the work of Kady Cross, also John Boyne was really good in this novel of his 😀 Ellen was a huge huge disappointment really :/ Kelly Oram was exceptionally cool with her different idea from all those typical YA novels and Bill was great with this different idea.


Highly recommend: Rainbow Rowell

Readings in May

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These months of May and June have been quiet busy with finals and last days of graduation! So lesser time for reading and also I was quiet slow on reading! Here is the list though:

  1. The wedding night by Sophie Kinsella (3.5/5)
  2. The little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (6/5)
  3. Looking for Alaska by John Green (3/5)
  4. The prisoner of heaven by Carlos ruiz zafon (6/5)
  5. Animal Farm by George Orwell (5/5)
  6. Seriously…..I’m kidding by Ellen DeGeneres (6/5)
  7. The forty rules of love by Elif Shafak (7/5)
  8. The peach keeper by Sarah Addison Allen (4/5)
  9. The midnight palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafon(3/5)
  10. An abundance of katherines (3/5)

I discovered a great book, which left me awed and changed which is Elif Shafak’s 4o rules of  Love! I highly recommend it to all of you!! 😀


April readings

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This month I was fired up like anything for reading and I found an excellent app for reading ebooks so I have been crazily reading through books like anything! Here goes the list of April:

  1. Love in a headscarf by Shelina  JanMohammed (3.5/5)
  2. Ten things I love about you by Julia Quinn (4/5)
  3. Veronica decides to die by Paulo Ceolha (2/5)
  4. The great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald (3/5)
  5. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume (4/5)
  6. The Bad Beginning  by lemony snicket (4/5)
  7. That summer by sara dessen (4/5)
  8. The time keeper by Mitch Albom (6/5)
  9. The five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom (6/5)
  10. The Reptile Room (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #2) (4/5)
  11. The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #3) (3.5/5)
  12. The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #4) (4/5)
  13. The Austere Academy (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #5)
  14. A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy (6/5)
  15.  The Invisible man by H.G.Wells (6/5)
  16. I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You(Gallagher Girls, #1) by Ally Carter (4/5)
  17. Absolute Power by David Baldacci (4/5)
  18. Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy (Gallagher Girls, #2) by Ally carter (5/5)
  19. Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Gallagher Girls, #3) by Ally carter (5/5)
  20. Only the Good Spy Young(Gallagher Girls, #4) by Ally carter (5/5)
  21. Out of Sight, Out of Time(Gallagher Girls, #5) by Ally carter (5/5)

Readings in Jan-March 2013

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I was quite down and thus very passive in reading novels and thus read at turtle’s pace and read the following: (the ratings are also mentioned)

  1. The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar wilde (read)(5/5)
  2. The speed of dark by Elizabeth Moon (read)(4/5)
  3. Twitter Diaries by Georgie thompson and imogen (read) (4/5)
  4. The faults in our stars by John Green (read)(6/5)
  5. The Secret diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever (read) (4/5)
  6. Room by Emma Donoghue (read) (3.5/5)
  7. The angel’s game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (read) (6/5)
  8. The Silver Linings playbook (read)(3/5)